
Dos Encinos Legacy

Sarah Cisneros believes her sixteen-year-old twin sons, Adam and Benji, are far too
young and far too innocent to participate in the ranch’s upcoming cattle drive. But
the boys are insistent and are eager to build the legacy of Dos Encinos. Th is will be
one last adventure before they head off to college.
Adam sustains serious injuries during a stampede while on the ride. As he
recuperates in the small central Texas village of Comanche, he becomes enamored
with the innkeeper’s daughter, Martha Taylor. Adam and Martha pledge to wait
for each other as Adam enters medical school in Fort Worth, Texas. Meanwhile,
Benji pursues his dreams of becoming an architect.
After graduation from medical school, in spite of more enticing and lucrative
opportunities to settle in an urban community, Adam returns to Comanche, reunites
with Martha, and starts his medical practice. He doesn’t realize the hostilities
and personal threats he would face in bringing new concepts of medical treatment
to a community served only by charlatans and untrained doctors. Adam must rely
on his heritage of strength from the pioneer cattlemen of south Texas—his Dos
Encinos legacy—to guide him through the strife he faces.

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