

Josh Lehman and Luke Sanders enter Texas Northwestern University on football scholarships and excel as winning players, Josh as a quarterback and Luke as a wide receiver. Luke's disabling knee injury terminates his football career but lucrative offers from professional teams tempt Josh away from his ambition to go to medical school.

After soul-searching decisions, Josh turns his back on the offers so he and Luke can attend medical school together.

Josh becomes a cardiovascular surgeon and Luke an anesthesiologist.  They face every conflict they encounter in the medical field with the resolve: "It's just another game."

Luke settles into the happiness of married life with a child but Josh's marriage is marred by infidelity and drug abuse. His wife's lover, Donnie Bradford, needs a life-saving operation that only Josh can perform. Josh's first reaction is to refuse.

When Josh takes a position as consultant for Salzman Electronics, a producer of high-tech medical equipment, his knowledge of Salzman's new research project places him in personal jeopardy.

With Donnie's untimely death, Josh is charged with murder. A surprise ending reveals more than just the perpetrator of the crime.
