The furor over the president's veto of the CHIPS legislation passed by Congress grows in intensity daily. Imagine deniying healthcare to children! The CHIPS bill is another example of multiple proposed measures to protect the health of residents of the country without the least concern over the cost and the medical necessity for those healthcare services. Unless you read carefully to see who the CHIPS bill would protect, you are lead to believe that millions of children would suffer or die for lack of health care. Doesn't Medicaid protect the children of indigent parents? CHIPS raises the eligibility for health related services for children of parents whose income is up to $80,000 at a cost of an estimated cost of $34 billion.
Sure, children need to be protected, but so does everyone in this nation. One of the pressing problems in our healthcare system is the millions who are not protected by any insurance coverage. That should be the first priority. That need is real and requires no debate.

Reader Comments (1)
Pure ignorance.