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CODE PINK! Missing Children


CODE PINK! Missing Children

On Mother’s Day this year my thoughts turn to the many mother’s of abducted or missing children – 60,000 a year in the state of Texas alone. How devastated those mothers must feel at a time like this – a time when children shower their mothers with love and kisses, flowers, and candy.

Fortunately we do not have many newborn infants abducted from hospitals when they are only one and two days old. But it does happen. This year the abduction from a Lubbock, Texas hospital brought that fact to the stark realization of every media reader.

Every mother, mother-to-be, and every grandparent should inquire into what measures their hospitals take to prevent newborn abduction. It can happen in any hospital.

The frequency of missing and exploited children is everyone’s moral and ethical responsibility. Click on the web site for National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: It’s an eye opener! When you see the pictures on the home page, click on more. It is heart rending..

Reader Comments (1)

GREAT book! Very suspensful and keeps you wanting more!

May 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBeth Barham

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