Do You Have A Story To Tell?

Almost everyone I know has a story they would like to tell. How many times have you heard: "You oughta write a book about that." It's not surprising to find a large number of books, both fiction and non-fiction, that are based on the author's personal life experiences - something about an event in their life or a tale about a grandmother who drove an oxcart to Texas or a relative who fought in the battle of the Alamo. The list goes on. I find myself calling on past experiences or on stories passed down over the years by family members when I write. In the novel, Return to Dos Encinos, the heroine's life closely follows that of one of my grandmothers. Both were women's rights activists and suffragists.
I know of one author who found that telling stories to his dyslectic child years ago - as a part of the child's treatment - became the foundation for his writing children's books today, many of which have become award winning stories.
My advice to anyone who wants to tell their story: Start writing! Who knows where your beginning might lead you?
Later, if I receive positive feed-back on this message, I'll touch on how you begin.

Reader Comments (2)
Dr. Clark,
First, let me thank you for the set of your books you signed and gave to David when he was in the hospital. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed them. He wasn't up to reading at the time, so I "borrowed" them. He did read them, later, and liked them as well.
I have an Aunt that writes. She has had some writings published in magazines, but is struggling to get her novels published. I wonder if you could give me some advice to pass along to her.
She is seventy-one years old and lives in a cabin in the mountains of Tennessee. I have read some of her stories and, being an avid reader myself and thinking I know good writing from bad, I would love to see her succeed.
Any advice on how to get her connected with a publisher would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for adding me on Facebook. Now that I know there's another "Charro" book out there, I will be buying it!
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