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Are We Becoming Xenophobic

The current immigration issues should be looked upon as an opportunity to show the world that this country still respects human rights and that we have not forgotten that we are a nation with a heritage of immigration. We have never been xenophobic, and the frightening thing that I see is that we are so focused on restrictive policies, deportation, and removal that we are being led into an era of racism, bigotry, and discrimination that equals that of a few years ago.

Some say that we still are in an era of inequality of human rights; but we have made progress, and I don’t want to see that lost. We still have a long way to go but we don’t need setbacks right now.

Get over the mindset that every immigrant, undocumented or documented, is a criminal, or a terrorist, or will be a burden on society. Give them a chance to prove themselves - to work, achieve an education, earn a place for themselves, and contribute to our culture.

We need immigration legislation, based on fairness, reasonableness, and compassion. Get out of the box and look at your family history - How did your family ever get to this country. I am glad that my ancestors, some of whom arrived here in a hold of a ship, were not turned away or deported.

Watch for "The Immigrant"....should be released in 2 - 3 months.

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