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Corpus Beat Author and Literacy Festival

It happened! The very first Author and Literacy Festival. What a pleasure to be a participant in this history making event. The talented group of young guys with CorpusBeat Magazine, John Lennan and Jamie Duff - names that I remember - along with the Art Museum and Dorothy Kucera planned and implemented a great occasion last Saturday (June 30, 2007). Writers from Corpus Christi and all over Texas gathered and displayed their work, visited, and got to know each other. Hat's Off to those of you who made the event a success. Those of you who missed it look for it next year.

One of the highlights of my day at the festival was my interview with one of the students who will write an article for the magazine, if he hasn't already done so. He performed professionally during the interview - very serious with his questions. He was a little shocked when he asked me how did I get into the mood to write. "How can you just sit down in front of your computer and start writing.?" A bit of a startled expression blossomed when I told him: "I just listen to an Eric Clapton CD and start writing. Sometimes I will use a word or expression from one of his song." I not sure he believed me, but it is true. Eric Clapton music keeps me on track in my writing and relaxes me. I recommend it.

But back to the meaningfulness of the occasion: Promoting writing and learning opportunities for our student population and engaging them in awareness of local community affairs seems to be the mission of CorpusBeat. Eveyone in the coastal bend benefits from their efforts. 

Reader Comments (1)

Send me a copy of the magazine article when it gets published!

January 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeth Barham

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